Atmosphere ≠ Totality

Meteorite, volcanic stone, stainless steel, acrylic glass
dimension variable

The series of works shows meteorites and volcanic stones. While the earthly volcanic stone has emerged from the earth’s interior to the surface, the extraterrestrial meteorite has travelled from outer space into the earth’s atmosphere. Their vectors now meet within the series of works – the extraterrestrial is juxtaposed with the terrestrial. In their symbiosis, they weave time and space into a tangible materiality.

For the artist, meteorite and volcanic stone represent entropic material that both existed before human history and will continue to exist long after it. Many meteorites are older than the planet Earth itself. These extraterrestrial fragments often date back to the formation of our solar system and are witnesses to a cosmic history.


Terrestrial stone (8°14’35.0″S 115°22’58.1″E)
Volcanit, stainless steel, acryl glass
23,5 x 19 x 12,5 cm



Installation view, 2024
Tick Tack, BEL – Storage Space, the collection of the Kunsthalle Recklinghausen in Antwerp



Extraterrestrial stone (27°57.5’N 21°41.0’E)
Meteorite, stainless steel
23,5 x 19 x 8,5cm



Extraterrestrial stone (27°39’25.3″S 61°38’48.0″W)
Meteorite, stainless steel, acryl glass
23,5 x 19 x 11 cm



Terrestrial stone (37°35’35.5″N 112°10’39.7“W)
Limestone, stainless steel, acryl glass
39,5 x 32 x 14 cm



Terrestrial stone (63°51’50“N 22°17’11“W)
Volcanit, stainless steel, acryl glass
23,5 x 19 x 12,5 cm



Meteorite (27°48‘23.8“N 5°39‘03.5“W; Fall: unknown)
Meteorite, stainless steel
32 x 39,5 x 12,5 cm



Terrestrial stone (15°58’15“N 102°36’31“E)
Meteorite, stainless steel, acryl glass
23,5 x 19 x 10,5 cm



Extraterrestrial stone (27°39’13“S 61°38’39“W)
Indochinite, stainless steel, acryl glass
23,5 x 19 x 11 cm



Meteorite (47°31‘22.8“N 138°00‘57.8“E; Fall: 1947)
Meteorite, stainless steel
32 x 39,5 x 12,5 cm



Tektite (23°40‘04.1“N 114°46‘40.6“E; Formation: 700.000 BC)
Tektite, stainless steel
19 x 23,5 x 15 cm



Volcanit (63°53‘34.1“N 22°16‘06.1“W; Eruption: 17th c.)
Volcanit, stainless steel, acryl glass 
32 x 39,5 x 15 cm



Volcanit (Kerið, Island, eruption 4.000 BC)
Volcanit, stainless steel, ink
21,5 x 17,5 x 10 cm